“Secretly taping the First Lady and willfully breaking an NDA to publish a salacious book is a clear attempt at relevance,” Stephanie Grisham said in a statement. But that positive spin apparently did nothing to appease the first lady’s spokesperson.

Wolkoff ventured that Melania was genuinely concerned for the children, but suppressed her maternal instincts to align with the administration. Because they could easily stay in Mexico but they don’t want to stay in Mexico because Mexico doesn’t take care of them the same as America does.”
“They go over and they say like, ‘Oh, we will be killed by a gang member, we will be, you know, it’s so dangerous,” Trump said, mimicking what CNN described as a “dramatic voice.” “They’re not professional but they are teached by other people what to say to come over and to, you know, let them go to stay here. Melania then not only cast doubt on migrants’ mistreatment in the U.S., but also in their home countries. But when they come here alone or with coyotes or illegally, you know, you need to do something.” But you know, yeah, they are not with parents, it’s sad. “The kids, they say, ‘Wow I will have my own bed? I will sleep on the bed? I will have a cabinet for my clothes?’ It’s so sad to hear it but they didn’t have that in their own countries, they sleep on the floor,” she said. In another phone call, which Wilkoff also recorded, Melania tackled the subject further. I didn’t have a chance-needs to go through the process and through the law.” Referring to the separation of migrant children from their families, she continued, “Where they were saying anything when Obama did that? I can not go, I was trying get the kid reunited with the mom. “I do and I say that I’m working on Christmas and planning for the Christmas and they said, ‘Oh, what about the children that they were separated?’ Give me a fucking break,” she passionately told Wilkoff. It’s not an easy job standing over Trafalgar Square, but the Norwegian gift does a fine job each year, without fail.But to Melania, what seemed like a rare creative outlet was actually just another thing on her plate. What side of the fence do you fall on? Looking forward to next year? It’s the thought that counts, guys…Ī case for the defence, your honour… We’ve had our fun, but in all seriousness…Ī lot of comments show that there is great appreciation for the tree, and not just for the laughs it gives us. Phew, lot of those one’s aren’t they… The logical… And our credibility in the ongoing London vs NYC debate took a hit… There was even the odd disagreement… To the blunt… To the Royal Family jokes… The memes… We had just about every kind of pisstaking you could think of, from the witty… Photo: a quick disclaimer before the fun: the comments do also reflect that we really are very grateful for our yearly Christmas gift, honest! The lights switched on yesterday evening ( December 1), and crowds turned out to see the sparkles begin! Here’s the beast itself arriving in London Right from the off… Us every year when the tree arrives… Starting as we mean to go on here… Safe to say you lot didn’t disappoint, and some of you are definitely more mean than we thought – but hey, it’s Christmas and we all need a laugh! Policemen watch the Trafalgar Square tree, Christmas 1948. Social media really likes to drag that poor little–butactuallyquitebig–Trafalgar Square Christmas tree. We trawled Twitter dot com for some comments that yes, can be a tad harsh, yet still draw out a little smirk in everyone (at least). And (shockingly for the internet, I know), these things aren’t always nice. Every year people online have things to say about it, however.