Drinking very hot mate (boiled water) and smoking shows possible association with throat cancer (as with any boiled liquid, e.g.May agitate some people with hypersensitivity to caffeine.Appears to be adaptogenic, with high saponin (restorative compounds) and chlorogenic acid content.Extraordinarily high antioxidant (neutralize disease causing molecules) and mineral levels.Reduces: high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, colon cancer, type II diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis natural laxative anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial etc.

Stimulates the mind and body-induces a sense of wellbeing.With more healing compounds than green tea and equal amounts of caffeine as coffee, mate uniquely stimulates the mind and body without crashing or jittery effects. Yerba Mate (yer-BAH MAH-tay) is a holly shrub native to Paraguay, Argentina, Southern Brazil and Uruguay.The Guaraní Tribe of Paraná have used it for millennia, relying on its restorative, uplifting, and medicinal properties. Today, we’ll bring you up to speed on yerba mate, leveling the playing ground, and allow you to decide which is the superior caffeinated drink. Though mate has been around for hundreds of years, it has never reached the same level of popularity as traditional tea and coffee, simply because, outside of South America, is has remained a novelty herb. Today, we’ll shed some light on the “Yerba Mate vs Coffee” debate. And it may surprise you that caffeine apparently has different effects, depending on the plant it’s contained within. So you’re now wondering, what’s the difference between yerba mate caffeine and coffee caffeine? Good question. Perhaps you’re thinking about replacing coffee with yerba mate.